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What is Egg Donation?

April Montalvo

Put simply, egg donation is the collecting of ovum from a female donor. Those ovum are used to help others create the family of their dreams. There are so many different ways to create a family.

1. Getting started. Filling out the application.

- Personal information - Only for the agency. This information is never shared with the intended parents without written consent from you

- Medical Information - A basic medical questionnaire and family history is taken to help rule out any genetic diseases and to determine eligibility to donate.

- Education and personality information - Intended parents want to get to know you so that they can make an easy decision about choosing you to be their donor. The more information you can share about yourself, the better your profile will be. Parents will be reading what you write on the application, so keep that in mind when answering questions.

2. Getting matched.

Once an IP(intended parent) expresses interest in you, we will reach out to you to verify that you are available and comfortable to travel for a cycle. These are most often at a clinic of the IPs choosing and can be anywhere in the US as long as you are comfortable traveling with a companion. Before the cycle begins, you will have to complete a blood test to determine some fertility hormone levels. If the Dr approves the test results, you will then complete genetic counseling and psychological counseling. These can be done in person or via Zoom. Then you will be flown out to the clinic to do a one day exam. If everything goes well at this appointment, the Dr will approve you for the IPs and you can move to the next part of the process.

3. Cycling.

To start an egg donation cycle, you will first have to track your menstrual cycle. Then you will get a calendar that tells you when you will take your injections. At the end of the injection period, you and a companion will travel to the IPs clinic for the egg retrieval. The cost of travel, medication, and stay are paid for by the intended parents. You should not incur any out of pocket expenses while traveling for your egg retrieval. During this process, the dr will use ultrasound and a tiny needle to go through your vaginal wall and retrieve all the mature eggs from your ovaries. Most women experience some slight discomfort, not unlike regular menstrual cramping and feel better within a day. But you will stay in the area of the clinic until you have been cleared by a dr to return home. This can be anywhere from 5 -14 days depending on the specific clinic and doctor requirements.

4. Compensation.

Once the cycle has been completed, you will receive compensation almost immediately.The majority of our first time donors receive $10,000. If you have already donated, the fee can be higher, and we can offer guidance on what is standard in the fertility field. Most doctors are comfortable with a healthy young woman donating up to 6 times, approximately 3 times per year. It can be a lucrative and meaningful experience to participate in egg donation.

If you have any questions about anything in this process, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are so grateful for the gift that you are giving Intended Parents and the opportunity to make dreams come true. We look forward to working with you.

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